Exercises for flat abdomen: do they work?

With so many different opinions on the internet teaching you how to get a toned stomach, which exercises for a flat stomach really work and which ones would be best left in cyberspace where they came from? The truth is, to achieve a chiseled waistline, it’s best to incorporate a full-body exercise plan into your daily routine.

Some exercises, like planks, pelvic thrusts, and bench swings, are great for your core and produce great toning results, but the truth is, to achieve a flat stomach, you first need to get rid of the layer of fat that is lies over the top of your abdominal muscles. The best way to do this is through interval training and weight training using compound movements, not doing flat tummy exercises.

What exactly is interval training? It’s a great way to burn massive amounts of calories throughout the day, even when you’re not working out! Interval training consists of performing high-intensity cardiovascular exercises for short periods of time followed by a period of active rest, and then repeating several times. This kickstarts your metabolism and you start burning a lot more calories than if you were just doing regular cardio. By burning more calories, you’ll be closer to exposing the fat on your abs.

What is weight training with compound movements? Compound exercises involve the use of more than one muscle group to complete that exercise. Instead of doing flat tummy exercises like crunches, do some hanging leg or knee raises from a pull-up bar. These types of exercises engage multiple muscle groups and once again increase your metabolic rate and burn those unwanted calories.

These are just a couple of things you can do to get a flat stomach. Of course, nothing beats following a program that teaches you how to do everything one step at a time, from nutritional strategies to exercise plans to a support group full of professionals waiting to help you succeed. If you’re ready to make a change for yourself and want a chance to achieve the flat stomach you’ve been longing for, take a look at what Motivate Fitness has to offer. It is the most comprehensive and comprehensive fat loss program on the internet and has helped thousands just like you.

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