Favoritism at work: it is illegal and morally wrong

Labor favoritism

We have all been victims of favoritism at work. Favoritism means exactly what it sounds like. Sometimes we do not realize when work favoritism occurs to us. Lost a promotion due to favoritism?

There is a famous phrase that permeates the entire workplace and in our everyday lives. The phrase is “It is not what you know, but who you know.”

What happened to the merit promotion?

When I was young, I refused to believe that favoritism in the workplace happens. He didn’t know he was naive. I think most people would say that it was silly to wait any longer.

I quickly learned that favoritism is pervasive in some work settings and easily disguised.

Definition of favoritism:

Favoritism = the demonstration of a special favor.

Words related to favoritism

Chronism and nepotism are more specialized terms.

How is favoritism related to these terms?

While cronyism and nepotism are closely related to favoritism, they describe the type of favoritism.

cronyism = refers to showing favoritism to friends or acquaintances.

I know you’ve heard of the phrase Good Ol ‘Boys. The term cronyism is derived from this behavior. It has lasted for centuries.

A good example of this behavior is when politicians return favors to those who helped them get elected. The politician offers a position to one of his friends or relaxes the laws to help his colleagues.

Do you think cronyism is ethical?

Would you continue to support a politician if convicted of cronyism?

Do you think cronyism is the way things are done in Washington DC?

nepotism = refers to favoritism shown to a relative. The term comes from the Latin word nepos which means nephew.

I almost hope to lose my job to a relative. It may not be fair, but employers are smart enough not to show that they hired someone out of nepotism.

On the other hand, I would report favoritism at work if it was obvious. I would hate working for the boss’s son or a close relative. I could never really trust him.

Most of the time, you will be the one to be reassigned to another job if a problem arises.

Have you ever worked for the son of a boss?

If they hired a family member in your place, would you make noise or would you still be a loyal employee?

Can you name another setting in which favoritism occurs?

How can we fight favoritism?

Do you think there are good reasons to show favoritism?

If you were the benefactor of favoritism, how would you feel morally?

Have you ever reported favoritism?

The bottom line is that the level of favoritism doesn’t matter; if it is based on race, gender or religion, it is illegal. The EEOC has laws that protect us against favoritism in the workplace.

If you believe you are a victim of favoritism in the workplace, you should file a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

The EEOC is responsible for all discrimination in the workplace. Be sure to check with your job to see if they have a local representative.

The representative can help guide you through the complaint process or help you resolve the problem.

Please note that no one can stop you from filing a complaint with the EEOC. If you are not encouraged to apply, you may have another lawsuit.

If you are not comfortable talking to a co-worker, you can contact an EEOC counselor.

Your employer has violated your rights if it retaliates against you for applying.

Do we expect favoritism at work?

Hope this article helps someone and informs you that you have rights even at work.

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