Have tips for sea turtle pets

Tortoises are wonderful companions, and because they and their habitat don’t take up much space, they’re ideal for the millions of urban dwellers who live in not-too-spacious apartments or condos. Dogs make wonderful companions too, no one will argue, but they want constant attention in return, they require training, they need to be walked, and larger dogs can feel cramped even in a modest sized home and yard. Cats take up less space, properly, and birds take up even less space, but for many people, aquatic turtles are definitely the pet of choice. They eat little and can live between 60 and 100 years.

By the way, if you are American or Canadian, you are probably wondering what the heck is a water turtle. It’s no surprise, really! It is simply the British way of saying tortoise. If the word terrapinarium dazzles you, that would be a turtle tank.

In the United States, semi-aquatic tortoises such as red-eared turtles and painted turtles are the favorite breeds, and American imports are popular in Britain as well, as the UK has no native species of tortoises, tortoises or terrapins. candy. Now of course, since many people have released their pets in the field, and these once domesticated tortoises have been found and raised, there are wild tortoises in England.

Box turtles or box turtles are popular in Britain too – so popular, in fact, that you would do well to spend a little time describing them and their requirements. Aquatic turtles stop growing when they are about six inches long; Try to make your dog do it! And their small size is a major factor why so many people choose them as pets.

An added benefit is that a moderate-sized tank or backyard pen can house more than one pet, although if you get a few, it is generally recommended that you keep only males or only females to avoid fighting. Yes, it is wonderful to imagine your male and female producing lots of little freshwater turtles, but water turtle farming is a specialized career and should not be done lightly. And although they are small at first, they will grow, and then where will you house them all? Giving them as gifts to people who don’t have the proper setup and “setting them free” in the English countryside should not be options.

As for what box turtles eat, they are omnivores, which means that they eat many different types of fruits and vegetables, as well as meat; this includes cooked turkey and chicken, as well as lean (uncooked) meat, earthworms, food fish, and crayfish. The sea turtle must be fed properly to keep it healthy. Your terrapinarium should also be kept at a constant warm temperature and cleaned regularly, which is not an easy task, if you don’t want them to get sick.

Most tortoises, especially box turtles, require very careful handling, so they are not recommended as pets for very young children. If they fall, it could be fatal or paralyzed. In addition, common water turtles are carriers of the disease known as salmonella, which means that every time you handle them or their utensils, or clean their terrapinarium, you should rub your hands well with soap.

Sea turtles require a certain level of maintenance to stay healthy, but in return they reward you if you take care of them, giving you 60-100 years of cuteness and mischief.

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