Everything you need to know about facial recognition biometrics

There are many things you need to know about facial recognition biometrics. What do you understand by facial recognition? Like all biometric solutions, facial recognition equipment compares and measures character uniqueness for authentication and identification purposes. By frequently leveraging one or a digital camera, connected facial recognition equipment and software can easily detect faces in […]

5 habits that will avoid and eliminate ticks from your dog

Ticks cause various health problems for canines. The constant scratching of bloodsuckers will cause wounds and skin infections. When ticks are not successfully removed or left on your pet for too long, serious illnesses can occur. Serious tick-borne diseases include Lyme disease, anaplasmosis, ehrlichiosis, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, babesiosis, hepatazoonosis, and bartonellosis. So when you […]

4 Options for Buying Investment Real Estate Purchases

When someone decides they are ready and prepared to invest in real estate, for investment purposes, they should do their homework and know/understand their options, in terms of investing in this type of property. While investment real estate is often a great investment, this is only the case, when the property is right, a well-considered […]

Free Soul Food Recipe Sites That Promote Healthier Eating

A growing number of free soul food recipes continue to reflect a more balanced diet while beating the drum for healthier eating. The evidence is in the number of menu changes, ingredients, and cooking methods used to prepare the recipes. As public demand increases, more industry experts are paying attention to the demand for dishes […]

Sihanoukville Cambodia, a great place to visit

‘Beach town’, ‘port community’, ‘fledgling tourist destination’: they all describe Sihanoukville, Cambodia’s main beach town. Sihanoukville’s white-sand beaches and the warm waters of the Gulf of Thailand combine with a laid-back, beachy vibe for a little tropical getaway. Sihanoukville is a place to relax on the beach, enjoy ocean-fresh seafood, take a snorkeling or scuba […]

Psych Gossip Girl Cast – Getting to Know Chuck Bass

Hit, Hot and Loaded — Charles “Chuck” Bartholomew Bass of the most successful teen show to date, Gossip Girl, is gaining a lot of attention from fans around the world. With his undeniable good looks and charisma, this fictional character is brought to life by the enthusiasm of millions of fans around the world. This […]

DXInOne – Problem #1 – Why are our funds locked in the DX system?

Locked in funds? Ok… let me start the opening of this series with this all-consuming question: “Why is our money locked up in the system, anyway?” I want to do that to make sure everyone starts on the same page…bear with me if you find this first topic too basic; Can I at least suggest […]

Video Games: A Pioneer of Planned Obsolescence

There is a term used by product manufacturers and retailers called “planned obsolescence.” Simply put, this is the understanding that creating products that last is not business smart, and this is the concept that drives modern commercialism. However, to convince people to buy your products, there has to be some safety, quality and longevity, so […]

Solar LED Lights – Eco-friendly and economical lighting option for all homes and commercial units

Today, traditional fluorescent or halogen lamps and bulbs face stiff competition from solar LED lights. And why not, solar lights have proven to be a potential energy saver allowing people to save money on monthly electric bill. Solar light bulbs use the energy of the sun to illuminate internal and external parts of houses, offices, […]