Introducing technological change through history with Mike Mulligan

The story of Mike Mulligan and his dedicated steam shovel, basically known as Mary Anne, is a great conversation opener for so many topics. In a contract offer, Mike needed to prove that Mary Anne could do the work of 10,000 men in a week in one day. As a testament to all the good […]

Now that we are separated, my husband completely ignores me, why?

Sometimes I hear from people who are very disappointed with their spouse’s behavior during a trial or marital separation. Often, they have agreed to the separation very reluctantly, either because they felt they had no other choice or because they hoped the breakup would actually improve their situation. Some are very disappointed when their spouse […]

Some Guidelines for Choosing New Cabinet Hardware

Cabinet hardware can serve as an easy and inexpensive tool to update your kitchen. Let’s face it, home improvement projects are expensive, time consuming, and in most cases stressful. If you need to quickly change your interior scenery, changing the hardware may be the right solution. There are some guidelines that one should keep in […]

Treatment of weak bladder and prostate with pure essential oil of cypress

Use pure cypress oil in a sitz bath to treat BLADDER CONTROL PROBLEMS or a WEAK BLADDER and to decongest and promote healthy functioning of the PROSTATE GLAND and URINARY TRACT SYSTEM. SITBATH INSTRUCTIONS: Fill your basin or tub with warm water, just enough to cover the bottom of your hips. Mix 5 to 8 […]