8 Answers to Help You Achieve Incredible Fat Loss Results

Angela Moyer was not happy with her life and her appearance. Below is an interview I had the honor of conducting with Angela. Read her amazing story. 1. Angela, what was it that finally motivated you to get into the gym and start eating properly? Correct me if I’m wrong, but if you’re like most […]

The facts about net present value from A to Z

Net Present Value (NPV) is a measure of a property’s investment performance that converts investment cash flows into a single quantity to aid a real estate investor’s decision making for property comparison and analysis purposes. And this is true whether the investor is interested in maximizing wealth at a specific time or in minimizing the […]

Freedom, Wealth and Success – What a Wonderful Combination

It may be that one of the reasons you started or are thinking of starting your own business and becoming an entrepreneur is because you want flexibility. It may be that you want more time with family or another part-time career, or you want to work hours to accommodate children’s commitments or even commute times. […]

Parenting in the 21st century

The liberal standard of today’s society with its sea change in values, attitudes and changing lifestyles has left both parents and children reeling in a sea of ​​uncertainty. The constant exposure to consumerism, violence, promiscuity, sexual preferences and pedophilia through the audiovisual media has a confusing effect on impressionable minds. The erosion of authority, broken […]

Thoughts on the penis: How many times can a man ejaculate in 24 hours?

Every man has been there at some point. The guys are sitting around enjoying a few beers when their 13-year-old inner child comes out and asks, “How many times has everyone ejaculated in 24 hours?” Of course, some will be humbly honest and say maybe two or three times, and then there are the others […]