3 Ways to Keep Love Burning – A Husband’s Perspective

Lighting a unity candle is sometimes incorporated into wedding ceremonies to symbolize two living coming together as one. In the early days, the love between husband and wife radiates, but after a while it begins to wane with every argument, misunderstanding, and challenge that life brings. Marriages are not arranged suddenly, it is a gradual process. It is vital that both parties are determined to make the marriage work. Both parties, and neither party, must commit to making it work and keeping the love burning in the marriage.

Marriage begins after the wedding, the day both parties enrolled in the lifelong institution of marriage to learn and study each other. A man’s needs differ from a woman’s as highlighted in the book Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus. This article is intended to discuss a man’s needs that, once met, would keep him interested and never tire of his wife.

Honor and Respect

  1. Man’s ego needs to be constantly fed. His ego is not the same as pride, but a trait in which his manhood and his meaning are anchored. The woman demands, waits and demands that the man at least say ‘I love you’ several times a day. She needs pampering, gifts, flowers, and physical expressions of love like holding hands in public. But how often do women make the same effort to feed a man’s ego by honoring and respecting him. As mentioned above, both parties need to be committed to making the relationship work. It would be unfair and unfair for one party to put in all the effort while the other was enjoying the love.
  2. The man is commanded to love his wife, the woman is required to respect and honor the man as head of the home and his mantle. In my opinion, a man would rather be respected and honored than loved. That’s why men like titles: Dr. A, Prof. B, Reverend Dr. Chief C or Hon. D. Man’s problem is his importance. It is common for men to get involved with their secretaries at work. Because? Because, among other things, they honor and respect them as their bosses.
  3. Mike Murdock in his ‘Wisdom Keys’ said that a man would refuse to seek a painful experience. If home only reminds him of pain and disgrace, he will seek overtime at work and work extra shifts just to avoid going home. He probably prefers to spend time with his friends or hang out in the pub.
  4. Honor and respect is a key theme in men. It feeds his ego and establishes his meaning. Therefore, the wife should look for ways to honor and respect her husband as a higher priority than loving him.

Some practical ways to show honor and respect include:

  • When preparing the table of kings it is widely said that the route to a man’s heart is through his stomach. He prepares his food and serve him as you would imagine a king would be served.
  • Talk to the king in it. Sarah called Abraham her lord. She talks to the king in man all the time. He exaggerates his successes, achievements and victories and minimizes his failures, faults and mistakes.
  • Speak highly of him with your friends, parents and siblings. Constantly confirm his authority, especially at home.
  • Be the ideal help for which you were created. Look for ways to help you fulfill your dreams, ambitions, and aspirations, joyfully and not grudgingly.

dress to kill

Has anyone heard of the phrase ‘Dress to kill’? Think back to your dating days, when you did everything you could to get his attention. The hours you invested buying nice clothes, shoes and accessories for that date. Just as you would keep an eye on any major financial investment you make, you must constantly ensure that you keep your man interested. It would take what you did to get his attention to keep his attention. You must not rest your oars now that you have it and you have the ring on your fingers. Someone else will catch your eye sooner than you expect.

At work he sees well-dressed ladies, colleagues and clients, but when he arrives he looks tired and ragged. Perhaps she must have been busy fixing the house, taking care of the children and doing the housework, but her husband’s need is still not met. He may appreciate the work and things you’ve done, but his love tank is in the red. Men are visually stimulated! He needs to see what he wants and where he is going. So you can understand why men are sometimes fussy about weight loss and also plagued with porn.

The woman must look as far as possible for new ways to keep her full attention. Some of which may include the following:

  • Visit the stores and shop for sexy lingerie, uniforms, and accessories to spice things up.
  • Learn the tricks of the trade. There are tons of books and resources you can get for non-porn information. Discover your fantasies and fulfill them. I think they will not be rare. Wear him out and make sure he’s well fed at home so he doesn’t seek satisfaction elsewhere.
  • Greet him at the door warmly with a kiss and a hug. Make him feel welcome.
  • When you’re home together, dress and make up appropriately, like you’re dating. If you can do that to go to work for other people to congratulate you, don’t you think you should do more for your husband?
  • Visit the hairdressers regularly. At some point you will start to notice the new hairstyles and will probably start paying for them.
  • Brush and wash properly and regularly.

Be a pillar and not a caterpillar

A man needs help and support even if he doesn’t express it or admit it. Woman was created and designed to be this help. When man was created the first thing he saw was his work; garden maintenance. When the woman was made, the first thing he experienced was relationship and family. Thus, the man is fulfilled in his work and labor, while the woman is fulfilled in relationships and the family. However, the global economy has required women to support men by working and contributing to the household income. This gesture must complement the man’s effort and not serve as a way to compete with him.

You need family support and a commitment to help raise the children properly. You need a shoulder to lean on. Men may not shed tears, but they do cry and hurt deeply. It is often expressed in anger and not in rearguards. A woman needs pampering, reassuring words and comfort in her moments of despair and pain, just like a man.

When a man is in pain, this is not a time for a woman to demand a reason for her anger, but a time to comfort, reassure, and support him. She could achieve this by:

  • Without questioning the basis of his anger in that instant. If she cannot discern from immediate past events, she should save herself for a later time when the situation has eased.
  • Without minimizing your pain. Take a genuine interest in their pain even if it doesn’t make sense to you.
  • Be patient and see it through. Don’t leave him alone in frustration. Listen to him and respond with gentle, kind and reassuring declarations of love and support.
  • Tactfully determine the appropriate moment to hug or hug him. Maybe when the situation is a bit calm.
  • In times of peace, find out what was the cause of your pain and help prevent the situation from happening again.

These are guidelines and not hard and fast rules. Every marriage is different, but in time you will be able to understand each other if you are committed to the marriage. I cannot overemphasize that both parties must be involved. The wife should not expect the man to strive to love and keep the love burning without reciprocating the gesture. It is a team effort and both parties must work as a team. Keep an eye out for the wife’s perspectives to keep the love burning in future posts.

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