Delavay blueberry (Vaccinium delavayi)

Whether we are aware of it or not, most of us are familiar with the genus Vaccinium, as it has among its members several current or potential commercial crops, such as blueberry, blueberry, and blueberry. Vaccinium delavayi, however, is strictly ornamental and very unlikely to be our next export success.

The name vaccinium is an ancient one taken directly from the Latin vernacular: it was used to refer to Vaccinium myrtillus, the delicious name for blueberry. Vaccinium delavayi takes its specific name, like so many Chinese plants, from the French Jesuit missionary Abbé Jean Marie Delavay (1838-95), who discovered the plant and introduced it to cultivation. He was also responsible for such well-known plants as Abies delavayi, Magnolia delavayi and Osmanthus delavayi reaching our gardens.

Vaccinium delavayi, native to Burma and southwestern China, is a hardy evergreen shrub with small, rounded leaves that are tough and leathery. In spring it produces clusters of small, bell-shaped or nearly globular white flowers opening from pink buds. The flowers are very much in the style of Pieris, Gaultheria, Andromeda, and several other closely related genera in the erica family.

As pretty as the flowers are, the real appeal of this little blueberry lies in the deep blue-black berries that follow. They are like little blueberries and have a similar flavor but are quite tart unless very ripe. Although it seems a shame to pick the berries, you might as well because the birds will not have such reserves.

While not a spectacular plant, Vaccinium delavayi is attractive year-round and always interesting, whether in flower, fruit, or simply as a neat foliage plant. It is an ideal specimen for a rockery or partially shaded corner. It grows to about 45 cm tall × 60 cm wide and can be kept trimmed into a small mound. However, any pruning will negatively affect flowering or fruit set.

As any blueberry grower will tell you, Vaccinium plants prefer acidic soil conditions. The small ornamental species are most comfortable when grown with other plants in the erica family, such as dwarf rhododendrons, evergreen azaleas, ericas, callunas, and pieris.

The native New Zealand species Gaultheria are interesting plants to combine with Vaccinium delavayi. Gaultheria crassa, in particular, closely resembles its Chinese relative and provides a good illustration of how plants that evolve under similar conditions often resemble each other despite being thousands of kilometers apart.

Other small native berry plants, especially those in the epacris family, also make good companions. An alpine rockery with well-shaped berries of Pentachondra pumila, Leucopogon fraseri, Cyathodes empetrifolia, Gaultheria crassa, and Vaccinium delavayi would be full of interest and color throughout the year.

You won’t find Vaccinium delavayi in every garden center, but it shouldn’t require too much searching to locate a specimen. Try to look in perennials as well as in shrubbery, as it is often sold in a very small size and tends to be grouped with rockery perennials.

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