Does cat food with bladder stones really help?

If you’ve been told your pet needs cat food with bladder stones, you may wonder if this will really help. In this article, you’ll learn more about it, as well as what else you can do to quickly and permanently remove crystals from the bladder, so your pet never has to suffer from them again.

It is true that food for cats with bladder stones can help dissolve crystals that do not require surgery. Typically these are the struvite variety of crystals. The reason this works is that the junk food kibble that many pet owners inadvertently feed to their cats and dogs is full of chemicals that can actually alter the pH of the bladder, creating an environment in the that crystals can form. By feeding your cat healthy, organic food, the pH will restore itself over time. Of course, the problem with this is that the crystals are painful, they can lead to other problems and that is why you need to solve this problem quickly.

This is why many vets will prescribe medications that will help dissolve the crystals more quickly. Be aware, however, that these medications have side effects that can contribute to your pet’s suffering, and since they don’t actually cure the cause of the bladder stones, they can cause your pet to have recurring problems.

That’s why a preventative treatment that restores the pH of the bladder and prevents crystals from forming is actually a better solution. While bladder stone cat food can help, natural remedies will dissolve the crystals much faster and get your pet back on the path to good health. Since they are highly effective, yet gentle enough for older pets or pets that tend to have bladder problems, they can also be used daily for prevention. They work by restoring and maintaining a proper pH and providing essential nutrients that will heal inflamed tissues and decrease pain. Since they have no side effects and do not negatively interact with any other medications your cat may be taking, natural remedies are a safe and effective solution.

In addition to giving your pet cat food with bladder stones and a natural remedy for treatment and prevention, make sure your pet gets plenty of fresh, clean water. Filtered water is best because it removes any chemicals in the water that could alter the pH of the bladder, and it also removes toxins from the body. Instead of buying filtered water, just invest in a simple faucet filter.

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