Don’t let bed bugs bite, I’m not kidding!

deep sleep; Don’t let bedbugs bite! If you think this expression is just an old wives’ tale… think again. These unsavory creatures may be lurking around your next hotel stay. Yes that’s how it is. Bed bugs are on the rise so much that there is actually a website,, dedicated to tracking infestations in apartment buildings and hotels in North America.

Not only that, the American Hotel and Lodging Association (AHLA) held two national bed bug symposiums in Newark, NJ, and Seattle, WA with the intention of educating operators about pests. Additionally, the first bedbug summit was held in Washington last year, sponsored by the Environmental Protection Agency, and infestations were reported to have reached near-epidemic proportions in major cities such as New York.

The good news is that bed bugs don’t carry disease, but living with these bugs can make you want to run for the hills. Imagine curling up in bed, putting your head on the pillow, anticipating a good night’s sleep only to have these crawling insects suck your blood. The “bedbug renaissance,” as it’s aptly called, is a growing problem in cities and suburbs alike.

More about bedbugs…

Bed bugs are small, flat, wingless, six-legged insects that feed on the blood of animals or people. They turn rusty red after feeding, but are usually almost white to brown in color. Bed bugs can be seen with the naked eye and get their name because they love to hide in bedding. These pests can live for 10 months and can go weeks without feeding.

There is a misconception that bed bugs are associated with a dirty environment. This is not the case. Some of the best and worst hotels in the country have fallen victim to bed bug sightings. Keep in mind that bed bugs, any insect, can hitch a ride in your suitcase, purse, or jacket pocket and travel to your warm, comfortable, clean environment. Bed bugs thrive anywhere and hide where there are cracks and crevices. It’s no wonder they’ve become such a nuisance to hotels and other public places like college dorms, hospitals, movie theaters, and maybe even cruise ships.

You might be wondering why you can’t just reach for a can of Raid and kill the vermin. There are a couple of reasons. Bed bugs are hard to get rid of because the pesticides are less powerful than they used to be, making them safe for pets and children, but less deadly for the bugs. As a nation, international travel has increased, as has immigration from other parts of the world, increasing the possibility of insect transport.

Symptoms and treatment of bed bug bites

Out of sight during the day, bed bugs lie in wait to inject an anesthetic-type substance that numbs the flesh so you won’t feel their bite. They also insert an anticoagulant to keep the blood flowing while they suck. You may notice hives later along with blood or feces-stained sheets. The first sign that a bedbug has bitten you is an itchy red bite mark on the skin, usually on the arms or shoulders.

Bed bug bites usually don’t need treatment, but if you scratch too much, you may need to apply a local antiseptic lotion or antibiotic cream. Consult a doctor if swelling occurs or if you are allergic to certain medications. You may need a prescription for a corticosteroid cream or an oral antihistamine.

What can you do to prevent a bed bug breeding ground?

If you are traveling to a hotel or returning home, you may be interested in some of the things you can do to stop the spread of bed bugs. Here are some:

•Vacuum your suitcase.

•Wash all your clothes in hot water after you return.

•If you know you have bedbugs in your home, wrap the mattress and box spring in plastic wrap or, better yet, replace them.

•Place the legs of the bed in cups of water. This can keep pests out of your bed.

•Fill cracks in walls where bugs can crawl from room to room.

•Check your room for bugs by removing the sheets and examining the mattress.

•Check behind the header for possible black spots from droppings, shed skins, or the insects themselves.

Is the media making a big deal out of a small tidbit?

Although the bed bug population is on the rise, it is “tiny,” according to AHLA President and CEO Joe McInerney. There are 4.4 million hotel rooms in this country and that number outside; very few cases of bedbugs have been reported. Mr. McInerney believes that the only people who give the bed bug problem much thought are the media.

This may be true, but if you’re like me, you’ll want to check just to make sure your next destination hotel isn’t listed as one with reported cases. Nothing ruins a vacation faster than waking up with bed bug bites on your arms and shoulders. I’m not sure which is worse, the bite or the thought of being the subject of a bed bug-eating frenzy.

So address those of you who are traveling and, by the way, you may not want to leave your bag on the seat next to you at the movie theater either. You may bring home an uninvited guest!

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