How to best use glycolic acid acne treatment for acne and scars

Glycolic acid acne treatment is a completely natural treatment method. It is derived from fruits in a similar way to citric acid. There is another acid called lactic acid that is also effective for acne and scars, but it is derived from milk.

How does glycolic acid cure acne? Basically it reduces the bond of what holds the skin together. Once they are loosened, the skin falls off and new skin may appear. This is the strongest of the 3 acids mentioned above. All of them are classified in the family of alpha hydroxy acids (AHA). The brother of AHA is Beta Hydroxy Acid (BHA). There is only one type of BHA which is the famous salicylic acid which also works wonders on acne and scars.

This method generally works in about 15-20 minutes, it is one of the fastest acne treatments out there, especially for people who are impatient with many other types of home remedies. Many people recommend using it once every 2 weeks to keep skin clear.

You will see glycolic acid in a wide range of gels, lotions, scrubs, and masks, all with acne treatment in mind. Although glycolic acid is very good for acne and acne scars, it makes your skin sensitive to the sun just like all other acids. This means that it is easy to get sunburned. Obviously, never go for any type of tan, whether indoors or outdoors, when affected by acne or your scars, unless you are happy that they live on your face for a LONG time. Sunscreen is recommended if you are going to be in the sun for periods.

Using glycolic acid for acne not only removes existing active acne, continued use can prevent future breakouts too! Most dermatologists recommend this treatment because of how well it works.

In conclusion, glycolic acid works very well to cure active acne by removing dead skin from the face and removing scars by exfoliating the surface. Share your thoughts on this with me in the comments! 🙂

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