Internet Marketing: What do you think of "Adsense is dead" Debate?

Are you here? This is a powerful debate that started with the clicks on the fins that are licking the chops over the slaps of Google AdSense.

Or here: AdSense is alive, and for white hat marketers, AdSense revenue has increased and will continue to increase. AdSense is only dead to black hat marketers who do not respect Google AdSense and the financial opportunity that Google provides.

I think everyone who has been able to stay out of the emotional fray recognizes that the AdSense is Dead campaign was created strictly to sell an expensive course by switching clicks.

But what is the truth? Google AdSense revenue appears to have increased. But the sale prices seem to me to have gone down. Does this mean that there are now a greater number of sites hosting AdSense and therefore the operator’s average revenue is decreasing while Google’s profit is increasing?

Can new AdSense templates (like the one launching today) make up for the stress of Adsense’s demise, or is it just another tactic to put money in the pockets of another long-term marketer?

My personal opinion: Google will find a way to ban new AdSense templates as soon as they are profitable.

My Internet Marketer Solution: Stop relying on Google AdSense for revenue, let bid prices drop, and use Google AdWords to drive high-profit traffic to strong, sales-oriented websites.

My solution is to drive subscriber traffic to my high-profit information sites that turn into big bucks for me, and I don’t give my money to Google, click flippers, or AdSense templates.

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