Intimate Relationships Forged in Fire – How to Develop Close Friendships in the Heat of Conflict

No matter how close and intimate a relationship may be, there is always the possibility of conflict. In fact, the strongest friendships are those that have been thoroughly tested in the fires of personal conflict. This article looks at how to navigate conflict to forge closer and more intimate friendships in life.

In the land of living, breathing humans, conflict is almost as prevalent as the air they breathe and the water they crave. Conflict is a common aspect of life, and the best lasting friendships are the ones that learn to use conflict to their advantage. This doesn’t mean that the two friends go out of their way to start a fight, but it does mean that they understand that sometimes things in an intimate relationship don’t go as planned and are willing to give the other person the benefit of the doubt. .

Most people see conflict as an inconvenience at best and, in extreme cases, as a relationship breaker. Those who are mature and truly care about the other person in the relationship see difficult times as an opportunity to get to know the other person better. They see their struggles as an opportunity to grow as individuals and become more intimate with their longtime relationship. But what is a person to do when difficult times arise in close friendship?

First, take a deep breath and take some time to think about the whole situation. Think about all the good times you had with that other person and make a list of all the things he has done that you can be thankful for.

Second, when your emotions have calmed down enough, approach the person and ask to hear your version of events again. Determine to just sit and listen; Only speak up if the other person asks for their opinion or feedback.

Third, even if you can’t agree, agree to disagree and choose to forgive whatever the offense was, regardless of the magnitude of the wrongdoing.

Then, if the other person needs some space, give it to them, at least for a while. Most close friendships don’t end in a day or a week. As the old saying goes, absence makes love grow. Let your friend have some time to think about the situation as well.

Finally, regardless of the other person’s reaction to the conflict, be patient and firm to treat them well even if they don’t reciprocate.

Conflict is a normal part of life. Maintaining a friendship in the midst of an emotional storm can be difficult, but the best friendships are forged in the fires of conflict. Close relationships and intimate friendships use conflict to strengthen the relationship.

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