Personal sacrifice when starting your business

You’ve always wanted to be self-employed and now the perfect opportunity has presented itself. Your business plan is complete, your finances are in order, you have the perfect location for your business and the perfect product.

Congratulations, you have now achieved a lifelong dream and everything is perfect. Or is it?

The most often overlooked area of ​​starting your own business is the personal sacrifice and commitment it takes for you and your family. Do you really stop to consider how much time away from home would be necessary? Did you stop to consider your health and whether or not your body could physically handle all the extra stress that comes with running your own business?

As a business owner for the last two years, I realized one day that the personal side of things was an aspect I didn’t consider. I have seen my wife and children much less in the last two years and my health has deteriorated greatly as the financial strains of my business have begun to accumulate.

When I look back on my situation, I realize that I rushed into things without really considering my family. It was a huge mistake, but fortunately I have been blessed with a very patient and understanding wife.

If you’re about to step into your self-employment dreams and you’re just days away from that grand opening, or just considering starting your own business, make sure you have a Family Plan in addition to your business plan.

Businesses come and go, the same cannot necessarily be said for your family and your health.

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