Smart Ways to Market Startups Online and Offline


Millions of people surf the web every day in their spare time. Most spend their time on social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter, while others simply search for products or ideas and information online. With a number like this, there is a huge market spanning the globe, and if you can successfully harness it, it could mean endless possibilities for your business.


There are many free hosting sites where you can put your business website. But for a more professional feel, buy your own domain and choose an attractive name that is easy to remember. People generally have a short attention span when it comes to reading things online, so if you have a long and complicated domain name, there is a tendency for them to forget it. Spicy names, on the other hand, will stick in their minds even if they’ve only seen or heard it once. Make sure your website name matches your business name if you don’t use the same for both. If you are having trouble choosing a company or domain name, visit for help.


These days, creating a website is not enough. You have to create a Facebook page and share it with potential clients. Make them like and share your page so they can receive updates on news about products and services you offer. Ask your friends to like and share your page so their friends can share it too. Your Facebook page can lead people to the actual company website, thereby generating more traffic and increasing sales.


In internet marketing, sometimes less is more, especially when it comes to tweets. Here you can be as creative as you like using the limited characters available in a single tweet. Short, sweet, simple, and straight to the point slogans are yours for the taking. Fans will retweet eye-catching and noteworthy tweets, and when you gain more followers, they too can multiply your fanbase when they tweet again. Make sure to link your Twitter to your Facebook page so it updates every time you tweet.

MyLife online platform

My life

Some people may prefer to use other networking sites than My life. But what they don’t know is that it acts as an online platform where you can manage all your other social media sites and even emails in one dashboard. It is less complicated compared to opening multiple social media accounts in different tabs. You can even visit the MyLife zip code directory and use it to find business contacts or potential clients near your area, or if you are planning an expansion, in different states.


Although internet marketing is more profitable these days, a little print medium still helps in marketing your startup business.

Business letters

Business cards are essential especially when it comes to meeting new customers. It helps establish professional ties and saves you from having to search for that errant piece of paper and pen so you can jot down their contact details. Your business card should include your name, company website, mobile phone number, email, and office address, if you have one. It should be printed in an easy-to-read font and in the correct size.

PR Marketing

Press release

Many believe that the newspaper and other print media are a dying medium. But there are still those who prefer to have a real newspaper rather than an electronic one. Press releases are a great way to get the word out about your business to the local community in your area. You can also publish your press release on your website after it has been published. If you have a friend who works at your local newspaper, you might like to interview him about his new business.

It would be like hitting two birds with one stone as you will get your item and at the same time you will be able to advertise your business. Aside from online marketing and the traditional way of advertising, a great way to win over customers is to deliver what is promised in your promotional ads. Providing customer satisfaction means more chances for customers to return. Online word of mouth referrals also spread like wildfire, so keep providing great services or products and your business will gradually take off and become a success.

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