Some things ARE real

Today, with all the scams, lies, scams, and outright thefts being promoted online; it is difficult to start real business. We have become so used to being disappointed that it is almost impossible for us to believe someone about anything on the Internet. Most of the time we ignore about 98% of what they tell us.

At least I do.

It used to be, if you, when you were a kid; He wanted to earn some money, he could sell lemonade or mow the lawn. I remember selling pencils once. He also did quite well. He had new, unused pencils and was selling them for a penny each.

Now sadly, if I told you, I’d give you a pencil at no cost … you’d run screaming in the other direction. And all because some unscrupulous people reside on the internet for the sole purpose of you sending them money.

Times have certainly changed. It makes things a little more difficult.

Let me tell you about a startup that I have learned a lot from in recent months. They don’t sell anything. Instead, they offer ways that you can lower your monthly expenses. It is a fairly simple concept. Reduce your expenses and you will have more money left to do things like pay bills or increase your savings.

You can join as a founding member or as a FANN member (free member).

Either way, you can use their free concierge service to cut down on some of your expenses. All you have to do is fill out a short form and let the Concierge staff try to find better deals on mortgages, phones, cars, etc.

I have used this service and it works. I recommend the free membership.

In the coming weeks, they will begin offering a free debit card linked to a free bank account. Don’t worry, this bank is a regular FDIC bank with all the features you have at your current bank. Loans, checking accounts, and savings accounts. etc …

Now (here’s the cool idea) … when we use this new debit card, we will share the fees the same way banks do !!!

Imagine if you had a small team of people … let’s say 100. You told them about this debit card. They start to slip it every day, several times buying gas, food, shopping, going to the movies and … they pay you every time!


What if you had 1,000 people in a downline swiping the card and they paid you multiple times a day … over and over again?

That’s what all this is about! It is real. Imagine the possibilities. It’s worth a look, don’t you think?

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