target heart rate for fat burning

Exercise requires energy and the body gets this energy by burning fat. Health professionals have determined that exercising within a particular heart rate zone will burn fat faster. Staying in this area while exercising will produce the maximum benefit.

Calculate target heart rate
Your heart rate is determined by age, fitness, and gender. Tests are available to help calculate these rates, but they can be complex and for this reason these rates are based on estimates.

Target Heart Rate Formula
A widely used estimate is 220 minus age, which is accepted as the maximum heart rate or top of the zone for both men and women. This equation is a good starting point for people in good physical shape. For people who are overweight or who have been away from exercise for some time, a smaller maximum value is recommended.

Note: Before starting a new exercise program, always check with your cardiologist first. He or she is better equipped to decide on your ability to exercise, when, and how much.

Once you’ve determined your heart rate, you can determine what your fat burning zone is. It is suggested that you train at 55% – 85% of your maximum heart rate. But for those who are just starting to exercise, it is recommended that they train on the lower end, which is 55% to 65% of their max.

Why does heart rate matter?
Fat is best burned at a specific rate that is relative to your resting pulse rate. When you first start exercising, it is suggested that you keep your pulse rate at the lower end of the scale. As you progress, you can increase this rate and your fat burning zone will increase along with it.

Understanding what your target heart rate is will prevent you from over-exercising and putting unnecessary strain on your body and heart. Working within this zone will allow your system to gradually recover and grow, and you will develop enthusiasm for exercise. If you train too much, it feels too much like work, you walk around feeling sore and tired, and you may lose interest.

Taking your resting pulse
Before you can measure your pulse, you must be in a resting position. Take it first thing in the morning after you have been sitting comfortably for a while. Find your pulse at your wrist or neck and count the number of heartbeats in a 15 second period. Multiply this number by four to get your total beats per minute (bpm). This is your resting heart rate.

Training zone: your exercise zone to burn fat
To calculate your training zone, you start by calculating your maximum heart rate. Using 220 subtract your age. This produces your maximum heart rate which you should not exceed when exercising. However, it is important to stay within the area percentages listed above for optimal fat burning. For example, if you are 30 and just starting out, you would subtract 30 from 220. This gives you 190 bpm. The number that your heart rate should fall between during exercise would be 104.5 and 123.5 bpm (or 55% and 65%). If you’re sporty and in good shape, your heart rate zone should be between 104.5 and around 162 bpm (55% to 85%).

Target Heart Rate Exercise
However, knowing what these numbers are and understanding what to do with them are two different things. If your heart rate falls below your zone, your training will be ineffective. However, if you exceed your zone, you are working too hard and possibly putting your health at risk at least in the early stages of exercise. If you want to maximize your training and protect your health, it’s imperative that you stay within your zone rates.

If you’re trading outside of your target zone, your breath will be a giveaway. You should feel comfortable while exercising. Your breathing will become even and not labored. You shouldn’t get out of breath, if you do, you’re exercising too much and need to slow down. This means that you should be able to talk without discomfort while exercising.

How do you follow up?
In addition to monitoring the comfort level of your breathing, there are more accurate scientific ways to keep track of your zone rate. Most cardio fitness equipment, such as stationary bikes, treadmills, elliptical machines, and rowing machines, offer heart rate sensors that you can place in the palm of your hand when you exercise, or a belt that you can place around your chest. Gym professionals are also a valuable source of information, and before beginning a regimen, ask them to calculate your resting heart rate, maximum heart rate, and zone rate.

If you’re taking your exercise out of the gym and want total peace of mind, then you might want to invest in your own personal heart rate monitor. This usually comes with a watch that you can wear on your wrist. Many let you set your heart rate training zone and will beep if you go over your maximum, so you can train in your zone.

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