The 5S Co-Sleeping Checklist: Feng Shui for the Happiest Baby and Family on the Block

No room for a nursery? No problem. In today’s times, when saving space means saving money, there is a viable option: sharing the same bed with your new addition. In many Asian families even today, newborns share the same bed as their parents. Also, single parents save money and give up the idea of ​​the crib. Even a single mother I know who has a crib simply prefers that your two-year-old sleep in the same bed for company. Plus, co-sleeping can lead to a treasure trove of family time, as an art educator I know shared that she grew up as 1 of 3 kids in the same bed as mom and dad while dad read bedtime stories out loud. before everyone went to bed. . Only you will know what is best for your situation.

If you decide to co-sleep, follow these 5 S’s. Not only will you have a great space-saving and money-saving situation. You’ll also draw on ancient feng shui principles to maximize energy flow and efficiency, gain detailed practical insights in the checklist below, and indeed have the happiest baby and family on the block!

1. DISPLAY the room or area you designate for sleeping.

~Where is the door?

~Where is the window?

~Where are the air conditioning and heating vents?

~Where are the electrical outlets?

~Where are the plug-in electronics?

ACTION: Feng shui for the baby is about protection. Do your best to keep the baby (and her bed) as far away from all of the above features as possible.

2.Create SAFE SPACE for you, your baby and your partner.

~What is the most protected position in bed?

~Who tends to be hot or cold during sleep?

~Who can take better care of the baby?

ACTION: Feng shui is all about convenience, also known as the ease of energy flow. In general, the center of the bed is the most protected position for babies. This way, both parents can watch the baby for diaper changes and feedings. Make sure the baby lies on her back and has her own blanket. Create rolled-up towels as barriers between you and the baby so the baby doesn’t get crushed. Employ the use of natural breathable sheets to prevent pilling. Place the person who tends to get hot closer to the door. Make sure the changing table is closest to the person on night shift for diaper changes and feedings.

3. Improve the quality of your TO SLEEP.

~Who is a light or heavy sleeper?

ACTION: Feng shui is about restful sleep. If you are a light sleeper, employ the use of earplugs. If you are a heavy sleeper, place the baby closer to you than to her partner. The baby’s cries will wake you up in time for your night shift.

4. Employ the use of BE QUIET.

~Do you usually talk or sing to your baby to calm him down when he wakes up during the night?

ACTION: The feng shui energy at night is supposed to be as still and quiet as possible, as energy also has its cycles. Stop talking or singing to your baby when she wakes up during the night. This will help your baby go back to sleep very quickly. If the baby finds it hard to get back into bed, hold him and pat him on the back. If this still doesn’t work, then get out of bed to continue holding him and walk around. Then put him back on the bed.

5. Most importantly, CHANGE above!

~ Do you always sleep on one side of the bed?

~Does the baby tend to turn to one side, be rocked, or feed efficiently on one side?

~Does the baby’s neck tend to tilt at an angle when sitting, lying or standing?

ACTION: Feng shui is about energy balance, which can be reflected through our muscles. If imbalances develop, it may be that the baby has become too used to turning to one side at night. So be sure to change it so that you, your baby, and her partner don’t develop chronic muscle and energy imbalances.

Enjoy the benefits and let me know how these tips work for you!

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