Tools to develop learning skills in children

The natural way for a child to learn is through play. For children, play and learning go hand in hand; they will benefit from learning situations that are enjoyable. Through the use of building blocks, working with puzzles and stringing toys, and combining colors, textures, and shapes, children gain essential skills that enable them to learn to read, write, and count.

Children invent their own games and toys, but well-designed toys can provide encouragement to explore and discover new things. Toys don’t have to be expensive or complicated. The best toys are the ones that a child loves and will come back to again and again. Often a household item will provide your child with the kind of toys he needs to ensure future intellectual performance, you don’t need to buy a single educational toy.

Provide a stimulating environment

One of the ways to encourage your child’s development is to encourage creative play in a nurturing environment. The way you display your child’s toys largely determines whether or not she will play with them. Toys that are stacked are not attractive, while toys arranged in small scenes sometimes even stimulate him to make other creative arrangements.

It helps if there are spaces to play, particularly activity areas, like a painting table and somewhere where he can splash around with water. An interesting environment should not only be limited to the interior. If you have a garden, fill it with the right equipment, such as a swing, a slide, and even a small hill to play on, all of which stimulate your child’s imagination.

choose toys

Parents sometimes get frustrated when they spend hours choosing the safest, most colorful, most fun and even educational toy for their child, only to find out that they will cling to their old toy. It is almost impossible to choose the ‘best toy’ for your child. The one that suits you best is the one that fascinates you endlessly, and to which you will return gaining more and more stimulation and enjoyment and will provide you with the greatest learning experience.

The less formed and more basic a toy is, the more scope it leaves for a child’s imagination and can help their creativity, more so than a very expensive doll that can only be a character.

One of the most important things to remember is that children change very quickly, especially in the first 3 years, and that a toy that entertains a two-month-old will not entertain a two-year-old. As they develop they need different stimuli and the choice of toys should reflect these needs. The chosen toy should be appropriate for their age. If it’s too advanced, then you won’t know how to play it properly and you won’t enjoy it. If, on the contrary, it is too primitive, it will easily get bored. Toys should stimulate the 5 senses: vision, hearing, touch, smell and taste.

Once you have decided on the type of toy that is right for him, there are a few other things to consider as well. Is it completely safe? It is exciting? Does it have play value? It’s fun? For example, a bag of bricks is a ‘good’ toy to buy because it can be enjoyed with pleasure at different ages and will encourage imaginative and active play. Toys that fit together teach children that they can skillfully change appearances.

Safety is also a very important consideration when choosing or making a toy. You should not only check for dangerous design flaws when purchasing them, but also check for defects at regular intervals. It is impossible to provide a child with a completely safe environment. However, you should take sensible safety precautions and satisfy their curiosity with safe indoor toys. Your children should always be properly supervised and should never be allowed to play outdoors alone.

Using household items to make toys

You don’t have to spend a lot of money to provide him with the best toy money can buy. A quick peek into the kitchen can provide your child with hours of fascinating fun.


Plastic food containers are the most versatile household toys. Plastic containers of different sizes can be used to put in and take out games. Put some dried beans in a tightly closed container and you have pans with wooden spoons to create drum kits.


Dried beans can be glued onto pieces of cardboard to make kitchen collages. Vegetables like potatoes and carrots can be made into printing blocks.

paper items

Toilet paper rolls with a bit of decoration make finger puppets. Hand puppets can also be made from paper bags. Empty cotton spools when threaded together make a good toss toy, especially if they are painted to look like a caterpillar.

Avoid television in young children

Television has a fascinating and numbing effect on children, taking them away from the direct experiences of their own world that are needed to develop. Television reduces the amount of social contact with parents, which is important for social and language development.

Books and Reading

The only way a parent can enrich a child’s environment is by having books at home. Words are crucial for the functioning of our brain. Books provide children with words to express feelings, ideas, and thoughts. They explain the world in which he lives. They provide the tool for imaginative play, introduce ideas, and are fun.

Try to read to your child every day, or even several times a week, and preferably at the same time. Choose books that are visually appealing with illustrations. Children like photos of familiar people, places, and events.

Fairy tales are fascinating for children and they will learn to distinguish between what is real and what is unreal. They also encourage abstract thoughts and creative thinking.

The vocabulary should be easy to understand and the print large. Run your finger along the print, but don’t force it to follow. Make him notice the things in the pictures. Reread books to his child, especially if he asks you to. Don’t stop reading to him even if he starts reading alone. Teach him to take care of books. Keep books on low shelves in his room, as this will encourage searching, and always keep a variety on hand.

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