5 advantages of jar candles compared to pillar candles

Even though pillar and taper candles came long before jar or container candles, it is container candles that have been the most popular type of candle for the past decade or so. Whether or not jar candles are better than pillars is obviously a matter of opinion. Below I’ll make the argument that jarred candles are better in five different ways.

Five Ways Mason Jar Candles Are Better

Safety. Perhaps the best argument in favor of the vessels on the columns is that of safety. A jar or container candle, as the name implies, is wax and a wick contained within a container. Unless you place a flammable material directly on top of the container, it will not catch fire. Pillar candles are more likely to fall over and in turn accidentally set something on fire.

burn duration. In general, since pillar wax is harder because it has to hold its shape, pillar candles tend to burn a bit hotter than jar candles. However, if you’ve ever read the bottom of a pillar, you’ll know to only burn pillars for a maximum of 4 hours. With jar candles this does not happen as there is no risk of dripping or spilling.

reusable containers. The good thing about containerized candles is the container itself. If you’re creative, jars can be used for a wide variety of purposes. You could use one for a jar change or a vase. It could even be used for growing plants. The possibilities are limitless.

easy production. Although it actually costs a bit more to make jar candles than pillar candles, it is far less labor intensive and therefore generally significantly cheaper. For the do-it-yourselfer or hobbyist, jar candles are also very easy to make. It’s as simple as securing a wick and pouring wax into a jar. Of course, it takes a bit of practice to create one that is of high quality.

High fragrance load. In today’s world, most people like super scented candles. This is where the jars have a clear advantage over the pillars. In fact, jar candles, depending on the type of wax used, can sometimes contain up to 3 times more fragrance than pillar candles. Most abutment wax mixes contain between 4 and 5%. There are some containers of candle wax that can contain 12% fragrance by weight. This means you can fill a large room with scent with a single container candle instead of multiple pillar candles. You only need a few to fill your entire home with fragrance.

When it comes down to it, arguments can be made for both jar candles and pillar candles as to which is better. But really, it depends on how and where you want to use your pillar candles. If you are concerned about the five aspects mentioned above, jar or container candles would be a good choice. However, many people still love the aesthetic beauty of a free-standing candle.

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