Add statistics to update cliché phrases on your resume

If your resume seems a bit lackluster, keep it from moving to the bottom of the pile by taking a closer look at the words and phrases you’ve chosen to describe your experience and accomplishments. Using cliché phrases can make your resume seem “canned,” outdated, and not well thought out. However, if you add statistical data to your resume that quantifies your achievements, these pass phrases take on a more substantive meaning. If you use buzzwords, remember to back it up with data!

A proven track record

“I have a proven track record in medical sales, exceeding expected sales quotas by an average of 27% per year for the last 10 years.”

go to person

“I was specially chosen by the CFO from a team of 10 analysts to assist with an audit project that recovered $350,000 of misallocated funds.

Excellent communication skills

“I served as a company spokesperson on several local news broadcasts that introduced me as an industry insider and directly brought 78 potential customers to search for our corporate information.”

Impeccable organization skills

“I was able to re-engineer the customer service phone inquiry flow, resulting in a 4-minute reduction in issue resolution time.”

team player

“Served effectively with all levels of staff on 5 different internal corporate committees and on the Board of 4 different community organizations.”

Willing to go the extra mile

“I took the initiative to work late and arrive early to complete a major grant application before the due date, which resulted in the company scoring higher and ultimately earning $1 million in funding.”

As you can see, this resume will help you put your accomplishments into measurable and actionable statements instead of ambiguous clichés. A well written resume stating what you have done in words. Y Showing what you’ve done with quantifiable data will build a strong case for your credentials and credibility with a future employer. It’s always a good idea to have a new set of eyes, like a family member or friend, test your resume to give you a new way to express your accomplishments.

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