Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy – A Pain In The Ass

Nobody likes to talk about hemorrhoids (especially if you have them), they are very uncomfortable and will affect more than 50% of pregnant women, especially during the middle of the second to third trimesters. Basically hemorrhoids are varicose veins but in the rectum (horrible things). In case you’re wondering what they look like, they often look like a bunch of grapes, except they’re much more painful than grapes.

What Causes Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy?

Around week 25, your uterus begins to enlarge, plus blood flow to the pelvic area will increase during pregnancy, and this can often cause the veins in the rectal wall to swell, as well as severe itching. Constipation during pregnancy will worsen, or may even cause hemorrhoids (if you have hard stools, the extra effort you put in to pass them can put a lot of pressure on your rectal veins, causing them to swell and bulge); they can also develop postpartum after pushing hard during labor. But here’s the good news: there are plenty of home remedies, and they should go away after delivery.


Hemorrhoids are often itchy, as well as being very painful. Sometimes they can bleed, especially when you press on them during a bowel movement. Anal fissures (painful cracks in the skin of the anus caused by straining due to constipation) can cause rectal bleeding. Your doctor should always monitor rectal bleeding. Rectal bleeding, although it can indicate a more serious problem, is most often caused by bleeding hemorrhoids.


Increase your fluid and fiber intake to stay regular

Do exercises to improve circulation.

It is better not to sleep on your back but on your side, as it reduces the pressure that causes hemorrhoids. Also, lie on your left side when you can during the day, as this relieves pressure on the veins in your rectum.

Exercise. Do not sit or stand for long periods of time. Try to take a nice walk every hour or so, as this will greatly improve circulation in the rectal area.

Very important, never strain or delay on the toilet. If you don’t want to go, don’t force yourself. Do not wipe too vigorously as this will irritate the batteries. Some people use baby wipes because toilet paper is too rough.

A warm bath will help. Just soak in the tub for about 15 minutes; definitely relieves pain.

Witch hazel and ice packs will often help as well. They will soothe the itching and pain of hemorrhoids. A donut-shaped pillow can also make sitting down a lot less painful.

Talk to your doctor about the various treatments for hemorrhoids. Particularly during pregnancy

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